The Ethereum Foundation (EF) is actively listening to community feedback and exploring operational changes, according to Haseeb Qureshi, Managing Partner of Dragonfly. Qureshi noted that after its meeting with EF members at ETH San Francisco, there was a sense of urgency within the organization and an awareness that the industry landscape has changed since 2020. He suggested that EF leadership is actively considering how to replicate Solana's Superteam...
以太坊基金会(EF)正在积极听取社区反馈并探索运营变革,Dragonfly管理合伙人Haseeb Qureshi透露了这一消息。Qureshi指出,其在ETH San Francisco与EF成员会面后,该组织内部存在一种紧迫感,并意识到自2020年以来行业格局已发生变化。他建议EF领导层正在积极考虑如何复制Solana的Superteam...
Dragonfly管理合伙人Haseeb Qureshi在X平台发文称:“我在2018年初以0.04美元的价格错过了Solana的种子轮投资,按当前价格计算,这相当于3250倍的回报。Solana是我作为初级风投时最早接触的项目之一,当时我为每一个错过的交易都写了备忘录。现在重读这份备忘录,简直是初级风投的尴尬巅峰。当时我们痴迷于‘以太坊杀手’、共识协议,以及什么会取代EVM/eWA...
On March 12th, according to Dragonfly's latest Airdrop Status Report 2025, US users have missed out on huge cryptocurrency airdrop gains due to geographical restrictions. The report analyzes data from 12 airdrop projects (11 geographically restricted projects and 1 unrestricted control project) between 2019 and 2023, and estimates that there are 920,000 to 5.20 million active US users (accounting for...
On March 7, crypto broker August completed a $10 million funding round, led by Dragonfly Ventures, and participated by Foresight Ventures, Standard Chartered, and 6th Man Ventures. The funds raised will be used to develop marketing strategies, hire more employees, and continue to develop new technologies. August is a cryptocurrency-focused brokerage that aims to connect clients to a DeFi network that lends cryptocurrencies and offers derivatives and token trading, including Aave, Morpho, and Uni...
3月7日消息,加密货币经纪商August完成1000万美元融资,Dragonfly Ventures领投,Foresight Ventures、渣打银行及6th Man Ventures等参投。所筹资金将用于制定营销战略,雇佣更多员工,并继续开发新技术。 August是一家专注于加密货币的经纪公司,旨在将客户与借出加密货币并提供衍生品和代币交易的DeFi网络连接起来,其中包括Aave、Morpho和Uniswap。
On February 26th, Dragonfly investor GM shared some thoughts on the development of blockchain at the Denver event. He mentioned that the performance requirements of the block space are elastic, and the expansion is still a topic of continuous attention in the industry, and the launch of EVM in the future is expected. In addition, he pointed out that the functional differentiation of the block space is another important direction, such as native interoperability, more...
On February 17, Dragonfly managing partner Haseeb Qureshi said in a post on social media X that the current low volatility of the Meme coin market may only be a temporary phenomenon. He believes that once the macroeconomic situation improves, the meme coin trading cycle will be active again. However, Haseeb also pointed out that the current Meme coin market has entered a late stage, and market participants seem to be weak.
On February 11, Dragonfly managing partner Haseeb Qureshi published a new token economics proposal on X: No longer allow unlocked tokens to be staked. I don't know if it was originally...
2月11日消息,Dragonfly管理合伙人HaseebQureshi于X发文提出新的代币经济学建议: ·不再允许未解锁的代币进行质押。我不知道最初是...